What to Expect.
During a ‘No-Touch’ session, your Axi-a-tonal system is flooded with Marconic Energy, stimulating profound healing at all levels of the multidimensional body. Due to this rise in frequency you will experience increased peace and balance in your physical, emotional and mental bodies. You will become more objective in your experiences and gain clarity around your decisions and choices as you align with your life’s purpose. Your personal interactions and your work will emit a higher vibrational frequency, drawing experiences and people to you that are in resonance. Available remotely in the comfort of your own space.
5 Body(s)
⚛ Spiritual Body
Establish enhanced communication and connection with Higher aspects of Self and with Source
⚛ Mental Body
Release emotional baggage and rise above fear, stress and anxiety
⚛ Emotional Body
Withdraw trauma and negative past life imprints from your energy field
⚛ Etheric Body
Eradicate karmic density and debris from your chakra system
⚛ Physical Body
Awaken your DNA, activating dormant talents, skills and gifts