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Cosmic Body(s) Gateway  ::  Launching April 2025

Congratulations! You have arrived at the threshold of the portal of transcendence. For I have no doubt you have traveled wide and far to have landed amongst the stars here on earth within this potent timeline. To have arrived in this place at this time to share this space is purposefully random chaos in action. The wild, organic, unpredictable energy of ascension is propelling you forward into alignment with your calling. Your individuated divinity is precisely what is necessary to contribute to the collective shift in consciousness.


Ascension is through the body(s). From carbon to crystalline–the spiritual path–is full of genius and quantum leaps made possible by divination of patterns and applications of holistic laws. To be here now, is to have successfully explored with curiosity, releasing control, which expanded your awareness into your inherent multi-dimensionality. This breakdown of your calcification is the dropping of the carbon body into a new awareness of your fractal geometry. No longer are you able to reconcile, a new form must be taken to become a fully embodied enlightened being functioning from within the spiritual body–thus crystallization. 

This Cosmic Body(s) Gateway is a sacred contract to initiate your transcendence into a regenerative state of multi-dimensional existence that is sustainable. In this unified state you will radiate peace–equanimity–clarity. From this zero-point field, everything is healed–anything is possible–and everything is received. Consider that everyday we make offerings on the altar of culture by what we participate in. You are the ultimate offering, with the eradication of fear from the matrixes of your body(s) structure, your influential elevated state of being becomes your life's purpose. It is the confirmation of your agreement, the greatest step, from worship to embodiment.

9 Month Carbon to Crystalline Initiation​ :: $55,000


I am here to guide you into and through your five body(s), facilitating a quantum recalibration.

  1. Mental body :: an emphasis on deep listening, stillness, and authentic relating to strengthen the witness and receivership states creating flow.

  2. Emotional body :: an emphasis on the courageous act of daring to feel and granting permission to express to get you over the hump of stuck sensations accumulated as a sentient being.

  3. Physical body :: an emphasis on surrendering to trusting in the cellular evolution for resonance within the 5th dimensional harmonic experience.

  4. Etheric body :: an emphasis on making space for the upgraded frequency to be emitted in integrity.

  5. Spiritual body :: a celebration of homecoming with an upgraded electromagnetic signature, where logic defers to insight and magnetism enhances your manifestations.


Come, it’s time to ascend. You’ve been minding the gap long enough. Stuck somewhere in–between the 3D and the 5D, a 4D bardo of healing. It’s unsustainable, and this next step is to drop the baggage and claim the regeneration that you truly need in order to soar. Book a free discovery call to confirm you’re ready to launch.

Voice-note or Chat



90 minute

1:1 session


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