cos :: world view–the way a person or group of people tell a narrative of who//what they are
mology :: words//story
Ascension is only possible
when we are willing to be
pathetic enough to acknowledge
the imperfections and limitations,
accept the fear of sacrificing
any attachments to what is known,
and allow for the discomfort of change
to fuel the enlightenment sought
You are here to write a new story, a revisionist history that is more inclusive of the individual experience–the collective wisdom–the regeneration of the planetary systems. It is time to take up more space, but that requires making space, and space requires radical acts of realignment. To elevate your consciousness is to indulge the neurosis of the mind, to confront the psyche, to sit at the confessional of the stories that the body(s) hold. It is the contemplative practice of deep listening that liberates the voiceless. The impact of listening is the soulful work of remediation that transmutes the ego. To take all that anger of the injustices where our multi-dimensional selves are flattened by a linear society and grieve for what it is, and what it could be or could have been. The courage to live mythically is to die a thousand deaths and be reborn again, such is the path of the spiritual warrior. In every death there is celebration as in every birth there is celebration. The transcendence only happens in the integrity of this sacred pause that allows for divination where clarity and sovereignty is gained.