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'Quantum' Recalibration

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What to Expect.

The Marconic ‘Quantum’ Recalibration is a one-time restructuring of the Third Dimensional body and energy system to a Fifth Dimensional template. This allows you to become multi-dimensional and perceive, experience and thrive at higher frequencies. Higher vibrational frequency can be sustained with the Marconic Recalibration, which permanently plugs you back into the Universal Matrix. After a Recalibration you never ‘power down’ to a lower frequency, which supports healing of the multi-dimensional body, creating peace and balance in your life. You will release negative past life imprints, trauma and karmic density, and regain hidden talents and skills as you come into full alignment with your life purpose. 


Your chakras are released from the artificial conical shape designed to keep them phase locked in the density of the 3D matrix and operating on the karma wheel. The ‘Chakra Uncapping’ promotes a gentle rise of the Kundalini and returns the chakra system to its multi-dimensional state, liberated from the karma wheel. Your chakras will expand and will eventually unify, operating as one organ, enabling you to shed karmic patterning and seeds from eons worth of lifetimes in density.

The ‘Quantum’ Recalibration instantaneously connects the Axi-a-tonal system of the body in the morphogenic field, through the Axi-b-tonal system of the unified field, into the Axi-c-tonal system of the universe, establishing a reconnection to your Higher Self at Source via the Galactic Core. This process also expands the energy field and activates the next level of light body, the Quantum Merkaba – a double octahedron, which is used for multi-dimensional, intra and inter-universal travel. It helps you to activate dormant strands of DNA, and immediately clears 51% of your karma. Through your spiritual work you have the ability to clear the rest rapidly through your newly calibrated system.

Once Recalibrated you become a Negative Ionic Generator, positively affecting the Earth and all around you with the increased light you hold. You will sustain a higher vibrational frequency and continue to go higher over time. This enables you to continue to rapidly drop density as we move forward on the cresting waves of Ascension – into the Fifth Dimension and beyond! A Marconic ‘Quantum’ Recalibration requires 2 sessions held in-person within 72 hours of each other. 

5 Body(s) 

Spiritual Body

Integration of higher levels of your Soul Level consciousness

Mental Body

Activations of higher senses: clairsentience (clear
feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing) - which are
higher forms of connection with levels of your Soul identities

Emotional Body

Deeply held karmic patterns are instantaneously
released, shifting the balance for the individual to liberate
themselves from their own karmic creations

Etheric Body

Expansion in pineal and pituitary glands in preparation
for activation of multi-dimensional travel and experience

Physical Body

Activating up to up to 144 strands of Spiritual DNA - correlating with the dimensional structure of our planetary grid and beyond

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